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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 5, 2011 3:00am-4:00am EST

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>> glenn: point of program tonight was that revolutions are ugly. they may sound great at the beginning, but they are really not. they don't always end the way you think they do. they usually don't. best organized that win. from new york, good night america. welcome to "red eye. i'm greg gutfeld in for shanks mccoy who is on location in my jacuzzi. be there in an hour, shank and don't take all the pills. now to andy levy for our pre game president are. who are you today, mr. phelps? what's on tonight's show? >> you tell me, robert young. our top story is the guy who killed two american servicemen at frankfurt airport. some say yes, but the state department says who can say, really? and our allstar panel figures
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out why they don't want to whip the future. and the serial abuser about to make a lot of money because of his twitter account. isn't that america? only two more shows until our pancake show. >> i am laying out the special pancake tuesday show tarp in case there are any accidents. >> sometimes those are the best part of pancake tuesday. who knows where a spatula would end up? >> i wouldn't tell that to the staff. >> your face is a wrath of sorrow. >> all right. let's welcome our guest. i am here with jeddidiah. author and political commentator. she is so cute she makes care bears look like mangled, rotting road kill. and she is sharper than the razor used to cut charlie sheen's cocaine, i would like to welcome a first time guest, tammy bruce, syndicated radio personality. and celebrating 12 days without solid food, it is my
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sidekick, bill shultz. doesn't he look like the professor arrested on "law and order"? and he needs a gallon of chapstick to stay alive. sitting next to me, comedian paul mccurio. his latest cd is called image makeover. >> buy it! >> yeah, if you want to. if comedic genius was a grough raj sale -- garage sale he would proudly display his junk across the yord. and he thinks he is top gun, but he bites the buy one. good to see you, pinch. >> jobs wears levis and a black mock turtle neck in which everyone in the offices world over are emulating. still me, i go to work all natural. naked as a jay bird, greg. back to you. my bear bottom is all over your table. >> is your boss making fun of fox fuse today? >> i couldn't hear you through the stutter. to the greg-alogue. it is a castle of clarity in a
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fish bowl of futility. so when i hear of an act of terror, an internal clock starts ticking. i wonder how long before we find out that the suspect is a radical easy law mist? and then how long before that affiliation is rejected as key to the crime? witness the murderous acts against our military in frankfurt. it was only a matter of time before the killer was linked to radical islam and it was exposed. and only hours later when they dismissed the notion. we have pj crowellly bringing back memories not only of tucson, but of fort hood in a way. >> that is not a terrorist attack? i don't know why you can't make that clear. >> well, you know, for example was the shooting of congresswoman gabby giffords a terrorist attack? you have to look at the
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evidence and look at the motivation, and you make a judgment. that is a process as far as i know that is on going. >> i didn't know woody allen is a spokesman. anyway, pj which must stand for poor judgment compared a horrible crime linked to radical islam. so does pj believe these crimes are alike? is he that dim? crowellly not only minimized the nature of the threat, he implied he still may believe the attack on giffords was part of a greater movement. so the administration still will not commit. they only see a man with no affiliation because decades of engrained political correctness taught them to be fearful of pointing out the administration because it is bigotry. make no mention of terror will not make it go away. it exposes the biggest weakness, leaders with spines like spaghetti.
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if you agree with me, you sir are a racist hoe ma fob. -- homophobe. so paul, first off, i want to apologize. it seems the bullies have taken your black schwinn and we will try to get it replaced. >> this is a very expensive jacket. >> osh-kosh-b' gosh. >> back to a serious topic. do you need a plot, like a terror plot to be a terrorist? >> i don't get it. this is absurd. what does the guy have to do to prove he is a terrorist? if you act alone you are not a terrorist? is this the carpool lane now? do i need a mannequin with me? i feel bad for the terrorist guy. he is going, what do i have to do to prove i am a terrorist? i yelled allah is great! should i have worn a t-shirt, what? >> they are being really honest. they are actually telling you ahead of time, accept it.
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welcome to the show. >> glad to have you here. was that possibly the worst hypothetical question ever that pj did? he answered a question with a question, not a good move. >> and it sounded like he was confused about tucson and who love neither was associated -- loughner was associated with. >> it took one hour and now we have days that have gone by and they are talking about what happened in frankfurt. >> why are they so scared to call a jihadist a jihadist? >> these are isolated extremists. these are man-caused disasters. this is why we have a national security problem right now. what kind of message does this send to terrorists? to rogue dictators? what message does it send to those worried about the national security? or to moderate muslims who oppose this kind of extremism and want a strong, american leader in there saying i am not going to take this. i am not going to say okay to this. i am standing up to this nonsense. >> bill, are you in someplaces
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referred to as a man caused disaster. can you take a guy seriously whose name is pj? it stands for pajamas. >> that's his twitter name, pajamas crowellly. i found it out because i looked on his twitter account to see if he ever uses the word terrorist, and he doesn't. iless also found out he has 22,000 followers to charlie sheen's 1 million 300 -- >> first of all change the nickname. pajamas does not inspire. and second of all, start using pro active words like terrorists and your followers will go up through the roof. >> this is the lesson for the would be terrorists out there. there are rules to being a terrorist. show your passport with the terrorist stamp. and then place your burning american flag in the compartment above you. if not there will be chaos and that leads to terrorism. >> a couple rules he didn't follow, no beard. he actually looked a little euro trash. >> good point. maybe that's what threw pj
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off. he was looking for the beard. aren't we all? >> from terrified of terror to government error, is the volt starting to molt? i speak of the chevy volt. they said it would save the planet and never trusted seth. the february sales numbers are in and they are amazing. yes, the chevy sold a massive 281 volts in the entire month. that's like three a day. that's one for every person who watches parker spitzer. >> top speed. >> only 67 people bought nissan's electric car, the leaf, in the same month. that's a bright spot. the qors news for chevy is volt sales are down from january when they sold a whooping 321 of them. chevy scheduled a production run of 60,000 volts which now was cut to 10,000.
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as jonathon last points out, since the government gives a $7500 credit to the freaks that buy these cars, the fact that sales are sucky means less of your money is going to the freaks that buy these cars. i now told we have tape of a satisfied volt owner. >> that was a child in a dog costumes. >> that looked like a real dog. good job child in a dog costumes. >> we might actually end up having an entire race of dogs who can drive us places. >> that thing was going faster than the volt. >> is this true that the government should stay out of the car business or was the car already made? >> everything is the government's fault. the fact that it exists.
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it is too expensive. it doesn't work. nobody wants it. it is like dan rather. really, you don't need regulation. when the automobile was invented we didn't need to ban the horse-and-buggy. the automobile was just better and people wanted it. and so it is more successful. it is like the difference between fox and msnbc. you don't need to ban something in order to have people make a correct decision. the problem is not the money we poured into it, but the volt is perfect as a symbol of what the government can do which is slow and not useful and irrelevant in the long run. >> poor cnn, we don't put enough time into slamming them. we just talk about msnbc. >> what about cnn. >> cnn? more like bm. >> nicely done. >> paul, i have to ask you,
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even after the rebate the car is very expensive and who will buy this? >> i blame americans because we are full of it. we say we want to take care of the economy and then you put a dorothy car out and nobody will buy it. the problem is that the fact is i blame women for this. if you date a guy -- every man would have a volt in his driveway. i'm not driving a volt. i am not driving a car that makes less noise than the vibrator i keep in the glove compartment. >> didn't see that one coming. >> have you ever driven with him? >> it is weird. when you are driving with him sometimes it accidentally falls into your lap. >> oh, how did that get there? >> women like men who drive dorky cars then -- >> i like men who drive dorky cars. i like dorky men, so let me just say that. >> why aren't people listening to obama and buying this car? he wants the best interest. >> the market place is going to determine the best product.
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the best product will rise to the top. these products are not ready yet. the charges is a problem. they have numerous issues. maybe they will be the car of the future one day. right now they are not ready. can i just make a recommendation who ever is creating these names. leaf? who is buying a car with that name? a leaf versus jaguar. >> where are you going, a fern gully? >> it should be like the nissan awesome. >> i think my jacket looks great. > did you test sleep the volt. >> i am proud to say i have never owned a car in my life. i did borrow my mom's mini-van in high school or the shaggin wagon as i used to call it. oil is $116 a barrel right now. >> drill, baby, drill. that's the answer to that. drill, baby, drill. >> not using oil. >> cars run on hate. >> change your name to
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gonzalez and you can ride right through arizona. >> we need at least coal for electricity. either drill or dig. the volt is just not going to be plugged in the wall and it comes from the magic electricity tree. it comes from coal. >> i didn't know anyone who owned one until the mid80s. the more it gets better the less oil we will use and the more fuel efficient it will be. it is all a good thing. >> it is basically like driving a vcr. >> no, it is the beta max. everyone you knew had the beta max and then it went away. >> i want to move on. even though this is a really interesting topic, but frankly i'm board. from volts to dolts. she is thankful and lesbian and not republican. i speak of a has been who is relevant again. meredith baxter, aka the mom on "family ties" a sitcom about sharing neck wear returned to" the today show"
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where in 2009 she revealed she was gay. matt lauer asked baxter if she had come to terms with everything after writing her memwior. she replied. >> people said you had to have known you were gay. i realized i was so unself-examined, i could have bp a republican, but thank goodness i am just gay. so that's much better, don't you think? >> still in a relationship with nancy? >> nancy is the best. >> you seem like you are in a really good place. >> thank you. >> and it is nice for you to come back and talk to us. >> i am grateful you had me. >> what would skip pea say? your identity can always change, isn't that right cat who tries out different hair styles?
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>> that was a moment there. she announced she is gay interestingly enough on a talk show. is this a great way to resurrect a career? nobody talked about her for 20 years, and now that she is gay we are all talking about her. >> what is not a good way to do is sell books. she is trying to sell books and marginal lies 30% of the country. there was a rasmusson report out. 35% of americans admit they are republicans and 34% say they are democrats. if you are trying to reach -- you are not writing a political book, and so why would you go on a show and completey attack a whole segment of the american population. >> tammy, you are a lesbian and a republican, right? >> well, i am an independent. i am one of the gay ones.
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you keep doing that, honey because that's where it is going to stay. >> are you a lesbian. >> she does president like you so she is a lesbian. >> here is the worst case scenario for meredith. she was outed on a cruise by the "national enquirer." the worst case scenario would have been to be a republican gay person. she could have left coming out as a 400 pound gay person. the worst news for meredith is she has offended all of the republicans now. and the attractive gay women are republican, so that is another issue. not that she will know that. maybe in your world, not mine. >> bill is a closeted lesbian. >> look at my haircut. >> why do lesbians have short hair? seriously? >> i don't know where are you hanging out.
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>> i am hanging out at biker bars. >> there you go. >> before you offend anyone else, you told me in the green room that "family ties" was your all time favorite tv show. >> oh my gosh. i had to readjust my fantasies of her. for 20 years it was her and kristi mcnichol and jodie foster and now -- thanks for ruining my night. >> when things happen on talk shows maybe now the news will be i have been on "red eye" and i will leave here straight. >> the good news is i still have a chance. >> i don't know about you -- about that. > last words to you, bill. bill, do you look at meredith and say for the grace of god, go to claire huxtable. >> oh yeah. these thengs happen in three's. >> in my apartment they do. >> it is her or somebody on the waltons. we have to move on.
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my feeling on it, it was the most predictable kind of thing you can say on the show -- on a show and matt lauer's fawning response, please come back. he never would have said that if the woman was ripping a democrat. >> i'm sure the republican party is mad about losing the star power. >> she talked about her enlighten meant using a stereo type. come on, she needs a little more -- >> for somebody who is open minded the most intolerant narrow minded thing to say. >> she needs a man to set her straight. >> boy, a winner tonight. >> that's my point of view. >> my bigotted, bigotted point of view. >> and single. coming up, colin firth, i made a life-sized doll of him. the things i do. will we ever get tired about talking about charlie? judging from this tease, my
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guess is never.
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if i said i was sheened out, i would be lying. there are still some drops of deliciousness left out of the deaf pho indicated bag of -- of the desecrated bag of bones. first, there is the mundane predictable reactions to charlie, ie people saying he needs help, it is a terrible situation. those are as tire so many as his cliched hollywood behaviors. is it a surprise that a man who is filthy rich with limitless options chooses to party and have casual sex? the story is not new or novel. what is is the way he is
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defending it. and let's face it "two and a half men" is based on that kind of guy. so they can't blame him for being who he is. if charlie makes it popular because of his approach to life, the producers are hip crits for condemning the character when it comes to life. and then the media who cherry pick what they want to cover to suit their own sense of fun. it is great to talk about charlie's crazed lifestyle. but then when you get to the spousal abuse, the fun disappears which is why a lot of people skip over that. lastly what sheen says about him being a drug, it is accurate since everybody is taking sheen and enjoying the experience. i wonder what the hangover will be like. if you disagree with me, you are worse than charlie harper. >> paul, he has 1.3 million followers on twitter. that's 1 town 2999 --
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1.2999999 million more than you. now he is getting calls from advertisers who want him to be a pitch man. >> this is a new model for healthcare. get a disease and put it on twitter and you can get everybody to follow. >> my prostate is driping. >> it sounds like the cough -- coffee mate coffee maker. >> they are pushing the envelope because we need to be tantalized. they say i do drugs and it is okay. it is okay for me to rape because i can throw a football. that's what we live in now. >> shut up. jeddid eight h, are you worried about -- that he is going to flame out or be sick? isn't that covering up their real feelings which is interesting to talk about? >> people are interested.
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i am not following him on twitter. some of the stuff he says is alarming to me. i keep reminding myself, yes, this is a troubled person. he has a lot of emotional and tuck problems, and he is also an actor. i don't necessarily think he won't capitalize on that. if he realizes he can make more money, there is a line of what is going on and what is acted can become fine. i i don't want to enter that world. >> tammy, i am in that world constantly, sadly. i work with bill shultz. is it a coincidence he is going to haiti with sean penn? >> the only thing we know about him being jewish is that he is circumsized. you can be jewish and be an antisemite. instead of using the people of haiti, libya needs help right now. libya is in troubles. i think you could go there and either side he could go there and be there and proclaim his
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jewishness and see what happens. >> he has more options getting tail at a nonmuslim country. how many times do i have to tell you that? >> here is the real issue. he is living with one or two porn stars. the big sin is selfishness. >> how troubled is this troubled star? he makes $30 million a year and sleeping with two porn stars, sorry, goddesses. and the allegations of abuse have been alleged. i say that because i am selling team sheen t-shirts. >> some of these women are -- you are worried about them. >> he is strange. >> no one has asked to apologize for any of this. not for the drugs or hitting women. you know what he apologized for? using the word chaim instead of charles. >> that's how screwed up things r.
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>> you know what is strange, charlie sheen? society. >> do you have a comment? red eye at fox news .com. leave a voice male, 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by mummies. the remains of the deceased awcially preserved and in natural condition. thanks, mummy.
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welcome back. let's find fought if we got anything wrong so far. for that we go to tv's andy levy. andy, what do you have besides some nifty leg suspender. >> a saw far reland four locking system with a rotating system. i also have the leg shroud with the mounting holes. now all i need is a gun. >> that's the man i always needed. >> legg uh log, pj crowellly will not call it terrorism. tame moo, you mentioned crowellly is >> really they don't want to admit that this is just a crazy guy. frankly we can be at war and things happen to americans here at home. but they really are low. they were able to use what happened in tucson as well for political design. and the same thing here.
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it lunges like barack obama and the -- it looks like barack obama and the state department is more worried about the i'm emergency re. -- the imagery. we have to stop worry about the image of terrorists. they don't care about their image. why should we? >> on crawly defense, the shooter, he talked about his approval against jihad and referred to the german trans chash dash chance leer as infidel and the jury is still out. >> the amish had technology and they could use facebook. >> there you go. >> chevy volt sales suck. paul, you said you wouldn't be caught dead in this dorky car, and there you are wearing the jacket. >> listen, sar ski and/or hutch. >> thank you, bill. >> see, he is wearing the jacket.
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>> this is my way of being an uh tall italian western. this is a ralph lauren polo. >> i wouldn't say as much as a big wheel. >> you are a soccer dad on your way to home depot. >> i love all of you except one of you. >> bill. >> after i stuck up for had. >> you like men who build the dorky cars. have you talked to them about building p around you. >> i am an an trough entrepreneur and i will get right on that. thank you, andy. you should get 10%. >> you said it doesn't work and nobody wants it. it is like dan rather. i thought you were going to say public sector units. >> that's very, very, very good. we need these examples. you are right. the difference with booth, you
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notice you can't see what people's feet are doing. they have the hatch. it is the alternative where if you lose your charge you can get dino in there and he can go. >> i like that. according to american thinker, a volt spokesman says the slow sales are lieu to supply issues. most end ended up as demo viewers for viewers. >> there is no supply because real americans supply them. >> how would you like to be volt buyer? >> did you see the name of baxter's book is untied? >> yes. >> wasn't that the name of the escaped vietnamese wrote? >> and may he rest in peace. he signed a contract. >> he never should have
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written the book. >> wrote it in his own blood in a tree. >> nondisclosure agreements are [bleep] >> at least he wasn't a republican. >> paul, when you found out tammy was a lesbian, why did you move your chair a little further away? >> it was not my chair. it was your homophobic [explati. within. >> she looks comfort believe with your arms. dye don't i smell like baby powder? >> i am creeped up. they definitely have the chemistry of a tom cruise -- >> tom cruise and fill in the blank. >> tom trews and kelly -- tom cruise and kelly what's her name in "top gun." >> greg, you referred to the quote, m munn mundane, predictable outcomes.
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>> the thing that prefaced before, so did you hear what happened? what i'm talking about is people say he needs help to talk about what what he did which is entertaining to them. i'm flayed you pointed it out -- i'm glad you pointed it out. i'm pointing out the need to say that. >> and the spousal abuse whether it is spousal abuse, it is a pretty big sign. if you are allegedly harming the person you are most in love with or the mother of your children, it may be in fact you are in general trouble. you can have a sensibility of those things. and good for the women who not only are not with him but the mom who got the kids out of the house. >> you are being hard on the druggies. i never touched a woman sexual or otherwise.
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>> greg, you also said two and a half men is based on that kind of guy, the guy that parties and has casual sex. so the producers can't blame him for who he is and condemning the character when it comes to life? that doesn't make sense. if a guy plays a serial producer you could get upset if he started killing people. >> that was something charlie said and i tim paw thighsed with. they picked him for the reason. they don't go out and find a serial killer and play a serial killer. they wanted charlie sheen and they got him. they knew what they were getting 20 years ago and they wanted it. >> i'm not buying it. last week, it is embarassing that none of you brought up what is clear to the good folks at >> they there is a good chance it is being caused by, syrup
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tishs psychological interference by those who would prefer to keep his mouth shut about the 9/11 attack. so they are using techniques that the cia ran in the 50s and 60s. >> the problem is i don't understand howie efficient a government can be when it is so dark. >> they have night vision goggles. >> that man is efficient. >> this conversation is going nowhere. >> do i have to explain everything to you? >> oh, the jacket. last. i told you how much i love perusing portraits of naked truckers? i do. i also love charity. the bidding is now over. i call that piece manatee con testimony -- contemplating sex
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with a unicorn. they won this with a bid of $1500 along with getting their picture traiken with andy, bill and me. i look forward to meeting all of you. now a new piece of ard called lesbians, unicorns and love. you can e-mail your bid at fox news .com to be considered. the i had bids close next friday. all of the money goes to the wounded warriors project for wounded soldiers. and it is not about charity, it is about me being awesome. is kathy baits as sexy as she is on screen? we will ask cyrus the talking monkey when we come back. >> am i seeing babies in a nursery? if i am not, this is the lamest huh louse huh louse nation ever. -- the lamest hallucination
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they are stories that will change the world forever. things so horrifying that can only be taken as a sign of impending doom. the end is near. yes, it is time for, red eye-pocolypse. >> is my favorite meat looking to avoid defeat? the pork industry is scraping the 25-year-old slogan "the other white meat." the new slogan, i hate your face. no, the actual new slogan is pork be inspired. our research shows that pork's top consumers are looking more than basic education. they are looking for inspiration. yeah i think about that when eating a hot dog. pork is the ideal catalyst to inspire great meals. the campaign rolls out this month with national print, broadcast and internet advertising. that is, of course, if the world still exists by then. i don't know. paul, could they have picked a worse slogan?
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>> no i would have gone with, pork, terrorists hate it. that would have been my choice. >> that is genius. >> why change? it was working. pork, it is the other white meat made me start thinking about chicken. >> really? if hope, change can work for barack obama, maybe we can do pork. >> i am amazed you can bring barack obama into a story about pork. >> and comparing him to a hoofed map medical, no less. >> do you think race had a play in this? >> a little bit. i'm irish and i always said we are the other white meat because we are pink. we are not even really white. we can relate. >> they are defending the irish. do you have a better slogan like bill sucks? >> no, that is terrible. what do have i to do with anything. pork, inspiring meat?
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it is redundant. every time i have bacon, i am inspired. and i always thought the other white meat was fairly racist. >> do we need to be reminded to eat fatty meat? we are driving around on scooters in the mall. >> i like the scooters in the mall. i look forward to it. my motto, pork, it sounds creepy. next topic. new research suggests parents are lying to themselves when it comes to the joy of parenting. when confronted with the real cost of raising kids, parents exaggerate their happiness to validate their decision to have children. in short, qhirn -- children are the spawn of say tan. paul, you are the only parent here. worst decision ever? >> absolutely. why do you think i send them to summer camp during the summer. out of sight, out of mind and the problem goes away. >> tammy, will people stop reproducing when they figure out it is not worth it. >> no, they will continue to do it. they need somebody to take the
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trash out and feed the dog and walk the dog and pay for their retire mnt. -- retirement. >> we should be pumping out the kids to take care of us. >> i would like to know a better way. >> people have children to handle the farm. you have 10 kids and you needed people to work. >> this is a reason to do away with child labor laws. >> what is emotionally satisfying is pets. they eat, cuddle, poop, it is simple, the end. >> i can do all of those things for you, by the way. >> here is my theory, this is all about science. happiness is not relevant to survival of the species which is why sex feels so good. if it didn't, none of us would have kids. the only way to have them is accidentally. and it is a joy, i might add to be born. last topic, great, having a good time on this planet.
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so are you. a university of arizona study found shopping carts are some of the most disgusting things you can touch aside from bill. in a test of 85 carts in fourth state, 72% tested for fecal bacteria. paul this is great for you because you often go shopping for feces. this is a win-win. >> that's why i eat the food right off the shelf. >> this has to disgust you. >> i missed so much. tammy, will you ever shop at a supermarket again? sure, but that's where it is on the handle. that's where you put the children. they are hanging on. whoe knows where those paws have been. what do you do you when you go shopping with your kid. i hope you keep it in the car into you can't do that. >> i usually take him to the dairy section and i let him
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smoke. >> as soon as he said the dairy section. >> jeddidiah, the real story here is that supermarket cs don't clean their shopping cards. filthy. i am a bit of a germ ma fob. everyone made fun of me with the fan knee pack and the hand sanitizer and who is laughing now? >> they were not laughing at the sanitizer. they are laughing at the fan kneeing pa. >> it is nagsable. i need gel and foam. come to me and i have it. have to keep it clean. >> and what have you been doing to the shopping carts? >> have i not been in a supermarket since 1998. second of all, this comes on the heel of the new york one where the subway machines are covered in feces and that was
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on the study that said all of the hotel beds are covered in feces. everything is covered. >> and it is the only story that angled bill. you feel like it is an attack on you. >> i felt like there was something special going on at my greg. i halfer more than most uh port ment's. >> we are taking a break. more stuff when we come back.
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she smashed stuff that makes you smash and then makes bill sad. a new york woman destroyed a liquor store after being told she couldn't use the bathroom. watch!
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bill, are you okay? >> that was awful. the bottles did nothing to you, lady. nothing. >> on that note we will close things out with a post game wrap up with tv's andy levy. for more go to
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don't forget, you can watch us on saturday. this is important. it is at 2:00 a.m. eastern time and 11:00 p.m. pacific time. and then a new "red eye" returns on monday guests are jill dobson, and of course the return of jim norton.
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time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> thanks, greg. do you have to wear a uniform to be one? >> it is the tammy army members. i have subscribers for my new media program and they are called tams. >> that's excellent. >> it works out perfectly. >> they go to tammy vest .com. i need a country and an army of my own. eye apparently you've got one. >> i will join. >> please do. but you have to wear a iewn normal. >> isn't he already wearing one? he has a sal veges army uniform. -- salvation army uniform. are you going to be at the bizz network? >> mesh's nightly scoreboard. check it out for details. >> paul, is it true you will be doing shows at bronson
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pincho's house? >> i love bronson-fishout. >> i don't even know what i am going. i am going to be at a lesbian rally tomorrow. i will have fecal matter all over me. i will be at -- i will be at the house of comedy march 9th to the 13th in minnesota. bronson's house of comedy. please come see me. >> you really have to have a death wish to perform there. bill, anything you want to plug? >> i will plug -- >> you with welcome mr. building. >> i look fashionable and modern. i was listening to


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